These are no light-weights…

We use real, used bourbon barrel heads. Each one is approximately 22” in diameter and weighs about 20 lbs. We purposely leave as much character on the face of the barrel head as possible to preserve the rustic, used look. Some barrel heads still have the distillery stamp or other markings, but others just show their natural age. Flaws and all.

Character built-in…

Because these are used materials, not every one is able to be perfectly assembled with with original the tongue-and-groove joints and may have gaps. Most are not perfectly flat either due to the warping that may occur after the barrels have been disassembled and stacked.

Your hands may get dirty…

We clean up the majority of the charred material off the back side of the barrel heads, but some char still remains. We do add a backing to keep this mess off your walls though.